Bayou Credit Kings

Welcome to Bayou Credit repair

A Louisiana Credit repair company

Let us start removing your negative items and start Rebuilding Credit today!


Bayou Credit Repair is the company that puts our money where our mouth is and only charges a fee when items are deleted, removed, or repaired from your credit report. With our Repair, Rebuild, and Relax Credit Repair Program you will no longer have to use other expensive credit repair companies that charge monthly and don’t even produce results. We are so confident in our advanced disputing tactics that we will allow you to pay for your deletions after you actually see our results and we even give you a 100% money back guarantee to back it up just so you can relax.

We Have Removed

Third-Party Collections

When an account is sent to a collection agency, it’s noted on your credit report as a delinquent account. This can severely lower your credit score, as it indicates a failure to pay debts.

Debt Buyer Collections

Debt buyers purchase delinquent accounts from creditors and attempt to collect the debt. These accounts appear on your credit report as collection items, further damaging your credit score.

Tax Liens

Although no longer included on credit reports, unpaid tax liens previously had a significant negative impact on credit scores by showing a failure to pay taxes owed to the government.

Medical Collections

Medical debts sent to collections can lower your credit score, but newer credit models may weigh these less heavily than other types of collections, especially if paid off.


When a creditor deems a debt uncollectible, it’s marked as a charge-off on your credit report. This is a major derogatory mark that can significantly lower your credit score.

Broken Leases

Failing to fulfill a lease agreement can result in the landlord reporting the unpaid balance to collections, negatively impacting your credit report and score.


Repossession of a vehicle or property indicates a failure to repay a secured loan. This results in a major derogatory mark on your credit report, leading to a significant drop in your credit score.


Legal judgments for unpaid debts used to appear on credit reports, heavily impacting credit scores. While they no longer show up, they can still lead to wage garnishments or bank levies.


A foreclosure occurs when a mortgage lender takes possession of a property due to nonpayment. This stays on your credit report for up to seven years and drastically lowers your credit score.


Filing for bankruptcy can stay on your credit report for 7-10 years, depending on the type. It’s one of the most damaging items to your credit score, but it also offers a fresh start by discharging certain debts.

Identity Fraud

Fraudulent accounts opened in your name can harm your credit score if not disputed and removed promptly. Identity theft can lead to multiple negative marks, making it crucial to monitor your credit regularly.

Inaccurate Names

Incorrect names on your credit report can be a sign of mixed files or identity theft, leading to erroneous information affecting your credit score. Correcting these inaccuracies is essential for maintaining a clean credit history.

Fast Track your Journey to Better Credit

Transparent and Affordable Services: No Hidden Fees, Just Results You Can Trust. Dedicated Support from Credit Specialists: We’re Here to Answer Your Questions and Provide Guidance.

How Our Process Works?

Fast Track Your Journey to Better Credit: Our Efficient Process Gets Results Quickly. Our process involves analyzing your credit report, creating a tailored action plan, disputing inaccuracies, and monitoring progress to ensure lasting results.

Credit Report Analysis

Thoroughly review and analyze your credit reports to identify errors, inaccuracies, and areas for improvement.

Credit Report Analysis

Thoroughly review and analyze your credit reports to identify errors, inaccuracies, and areas for improvement.

Credit Report Analysis

Thoroughly review and analyze your credit reports to identify errors, inaccuracies, and areas for improvement.

Credit Report Analysis

Thoroughly review and analyze your credit reports to identify errors, inaccuracies, and areas for improvement.

FREE Consultation

Let us start removing your negative items and start Rebuilding Credit today!

Is Bad Credit Holding You Back?

You might think bad credit only keeps you from getting a credit card or loan, but it goes further than that. Bad credit can leave you homeless, carless, and jobless. That’s because more and more businesses are using your credit to make decisions about you. Still not convinced it’s time to get your credit act together?

Avoiding Having to pay cash for Everything
Avoiding Having to pay cash for Everything

If you have bad credit, you’ll have a hard time getting credit cards, which means you’ll end up paying cash for everything. It may not be a nuisance until you need to do something like renting a car and you will have to pay an extra deposit if you don’t because you don’t have a credit card.

Be able to obtain higher credit limits
Be able to obtain higher credit limits

Generally, as you demonstrate you can pay your bills on time, your creditors will increase your credit limits. Always remember, a credit card issuer will check your credit score before increasing your credit limit. A bad credit history could even lead to getting your credit limits cut which would hurt your credit score even more by raising your credit utilization.

Stop debt collector harassment
Stop debt collector harassment

Repairing your credit includes paying off those debt collection accounts. Until you do, you face relentless calls and letters from debt collectors. While you can take action to stop debt collector calls, collection accounts often move from one debt collector to another. When a new collector gets your debt, you’ll have to go through the process of sending letters to stop the calls all over again.

Make renting an apartment easier
Make renting an apartment easier

Not only can bad credit keep you from buying a home, it can also keep you from renting an apartment. Many landlords now check credit to determine the likelihood that you’ll be late on your rent. Bad credit could get your rental application denied.

Allow you to purchase a home with a low interest rate
Allow you to purchase a home with a low interest rate

Home-ownership has always been the American Dream. Bad credit is the nightmare that keeps you from realizing that dream. Many banks won’t finance a mortgage until you’ve repaired your credit and those that will approve you with poor credit will charge you a significantly higher interest rate.

Credit repair program highlights

Just call and ask us “How Can I Fix My Credit?”

Credit Repair

See how we can help to improve your credit score.

Credit Repair

See how we can help to improve your credit score.

Building Smart Credit Solutions


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